Greens pledge $1b funding to make bike riding safer

The Australian Greens have pledged $1 billion in funding to ensure that bike riders have the freedom to ride safely for every journey. The Greens package would create a comprehensive network of bicycle routes across our cities and regional areas.
“Every bike rider death on Australian roads is a preventable tragedy and almost all are a failure of our infrastructure” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson.
“An annual average of 38 people killed while bike riding on our roads is a sobering figure, and with over 12,000 people hospitalised after bike crashes in a year, it’s clear that our roads aren’t safe for bike riders.”
“While most Australians own a bike, most people don’t ride regularly because of the lack of safe bike paths and lanes. The Greens $1 billion funding over four years will make Australia a safer and easier place to cycle.”
“The public want a network of safe continuous routes that connect directly and integrate smoothly with our public transport network and key destinations such as schools and shopping centres .”
“We will invest in infrastructure that better integrates cycling and public transport, supports cycling for commuting and creates a network of cycling links for local and longer trips.”
The Greens bike package also includes support for infrastructure projects to integrate facilities designed for cycling, such as secure high standard bicycle parking, showers and lockers, investment in safe and secure bike storage, expanding the number of separated bike paths, and boosting bike tourism.
The Australian Greens have a plan to:

  1. Create a network of safe and unbroken bicycle routes
  2. Develop end-of-trip facilities (such as showers and lockers) that encourage cycling
  3. Invest in safe and secure bicycle storage at train stations and major hubs
  4. Provide a safer means of cycling by creating separated bicycle paths, prioritising high risk corridors
  5. Boost bike tourism by building regional bike trails and facilities

Full policy available here.

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