Morrison Government Will Continue to Protect Our Borders

The Morrison Government’s economic management underpins the investments needed to protect our borders and keep Australians safe.
The Coalition’s strong border protection policies under Operation Sovereign Borders have ended the deaths at sea and enabled us to close 19 detention centres, with all children placed in detention by Labor removed from that detention.
We have achieved this by not compromising on our three proven border protection policies, which have stopped the boats: regional processing, turn-backs where it is safe to do so, and temporary protection visas.
By closing detention centres, we returned $638 million to the Budget and reclaimed control of the refugee and humanitarian program from criminal syndicates.
We have increased Australia’s humanitarian intake to 18,750 in 2018-19, and welcomed to Australia an additional 12,000 persecuted minority refugees from the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
We have restored vital resources to our border agencies, along with technology to enhance passenger screening and automation and we have worked steadfastly on community protections by strengthening the character requirements of visa holders and introducing the mandatory cancellation of visas of non-citizens who commit serious crimes.
In total, we have cancelled the visas of over 4,400 non-citizen criminals.
By contrast, Labor’s promise to dismantle our proven three pillars of border protection would hand control of our border back to the people smugglers.
Last time they were in government, Labor’s policies hamstrung our border agencies and public confidence in the migration program evaporated.
Labor hasn’t learnt their lesson and is seeking to return to these dangerous policies.
At every turn Labor has sought to water down the Government’s laws to protect the Australian community. In office, they would go further still.
Only the Morrison Government has the necessary suite of proven policies to keep Australians safe and our borders secure. You simply cannot trust Labor on border protection.
You can find out more about our Plan to Keep Our Borders Secure here.

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