Dr Anne Aly to represent Australia at Gaza Humanitarian Conference

This week the Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth, Dr Anne Aly, will travel to Amman, Jordan on behalf of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to attend an international conference convened by Egypt, Jordan and the United Nations on the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Australia has been advocating for urgent humanitarian assistance to reach Palestinians in Gaza in desperate need. We have been clear that Israel must comply with the binding orders of the International Court of Justice, including to enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance at scale.

Since the conflict began on 7 October, Australia has committed $62.5 million in humanitarian assistance to the region, including $41 million to address urgent needs in Gaza. Our funding is being directed to conflict-affected people with a focus on women and children, including to support food, water, medicines, and shelter.

The conference, known as International Call to Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza, will be held on 11 June local time.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“This war must end. The human suffering in Gaza is unacceptable. Australia has been part of the international push for a ceasefire, for humanitarian aid to reach Gazans in desperate need, and for hostages to be released. Australia’s participation in this conference is part of that international effort.

“Dr Anne Aly and her family are among many in the Australian community who have lived experience and understanding of the long and devastating conflict in the Middle East. We are fortunate that Dr Aly will bring her deep professional expertise and her perspectives as an Egyptian-born Australian in representing our country at this conference hosted by Egypt, Jordan and the UN.”

Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP:

“The humanitarian situation in Gaza is catastrophic. Over one million Palestinians are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity and around 1.7 million people have been displaced, many several times over. Humanitarian access remains grossly inadequate.

“Our participation in this conference will emphasise Australia’s ongoing support for diplomatic efforts to end the conflict and to address the humanitarian crisis.”

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