$19 million Investment in a New Medicine

The Liberal National Government is investing over $19 million in a new medicine to help people with a metabolic disorder, saving patients more than $90,000 a year.
The medicine Kuvan® is now being listed on the PBS for the treatment of patients with hyperphenylalaninemia – caused by phenylketonuria (PKU).
PKU is a genetic disorder requiring lifelong management that prevents the normal breakdown of a protein found in some foods.
This medicine works in combination with dietary restrictions, to help lower the amount of amino acid phenylalanine in the blood.
Without PBS subsidy, patients would otherwise pay more than $90,200 per year for this treatment.
It will now be $40.30 a script or $6.50 for patients with a concession card.
This medicine will be of particular benefit for young children with the condition who need to start treatment early after diagnosis.
Without treatment from a young age, patients can develop progressive intellectual disability and other health complications.
With treatment, children with PKU can grow and develop normally and that why this new listing is so important.
This medicine was recommended for listing on the PBS by the independent medical experts at the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee.
Since 2013, the Morrison Government has listed over 2,000 new or amended items on the PBS.
This represents an average of around 31 listings per month – or one each day – at an overall cost of around $10.6 billion.
We are listing all medicines on the PBS unlike the former Labor Government.
In 2011 when the current leader of the opposition Bill Shorten was Assistant Treasurer Labor took the unprecedented step of stopping the listing of new medicines on the PBS.
Labor’s 2011-12 Budget stated “given the current fiscal environment the listing of some medicines would be deferred until fiscal circumstances permit”. This included medicines for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, endometriosis chronic pain and IVF amongst others.
Our commitment to ensuring that Australians can access affordable medicines, when they need them, remains rock solid.

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