Waste levy waived for areas hit by heavy rain and flooding

The NSW Government is helping communities rebuild and recover from heavy rainfall and flooding by waiving the waste levy in affected areas.

Residents in 6 LGA’s hit hardest by a downpour in early June can dispose of flood-affected items at landfill sites without having to pay the waste levy fee until early September.

The exemption covers waste on public and private land, including damaged building materials, furniture, carpet and gardening debris.

Removing the fee will expedite the recovery process and ease financial burdens on impacted households and businesses.

The Natural Disaster Waste Levy Exemption applies to the following LGA’s:

  • Camden
  • Wollongong
  • Shoalhaven
  • Shellharbour
  • Wingecarribee
  • Kiama.

The exemption means residents will not be charged the levy until 4 September 2024. Local landfill gate fees may apply.

These communities were also hit by heavy rain and flooding in April and had been granted a waste levy exemption until 30 June 2024 for that weather event.

More broadly, the NSW Government is currently reviewing the waste levy as part of efforts to reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfill and boost recycling efforts.

For more information and participate in the consultation.

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