More Pain on The Way as Labor Cuts TAFE Funding

Shadow Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education Justin Clancy has criticised reports of the NSW Labor Government’s latest budget cuts to TAFE.
Mr Clancy said after NSW Labor cut TAFE funding in last year’s budget, early indications TAFE is in for further pain in next week’s State Budget, can only be described as disappointing.
It’s been revealed that $300 million earmarked in last year’s budget for the TAFE sector, to upgrade classrooms and campus infrastructure, deliver new teaching equipment, and improve digital connectivity, has now fallen to $206 million.
“I have been calling for next week’s State Budget to have a strong Skills focus, as we are witnessing plummeting commencement trade training rates”.
“It’s a case of smoke and mirrors, as NSW Labor talks up its $16.3m in funding for fee-free courses for apprentices and trainees, but then slashes much-needed funding from other areas”.
“The NSW construction industry, in particular, is desperate for a strong pipeline, dedicated to training up our building workforce, as we are facing widespread housing shortages.”
“Sadly, it appears the NSW Labor Government has no long-term plan to support, nurture and grow our skills sector,” Mr Clancy said.

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