The NT Greens are excited to launch our Biodiversity Policy at a community morning tea that will be held in Gosse Street park, Eastside, on Sunday 23rd June.

This policy outlines the important initiatives the NT Greens will take to protect our land, water and culture so that it can be enjoyed by all Territorians for generations to come. 

Community members are welcome to come along to the morning tea, where Asta Hill, the NT Greens’ candidate for Braitling, and Hugo Wells, the NT Greens’ candidate for Araluen, will be joined by local environmental experts to talk about the actions that need to be taken to keep the NT’s nature going strong, and the issues that the major political parties are ignoring. 

Asta Hill – candidate for Braitling

“We can’t let Labor and the CLP sell us out. The NT Greens are the only party that truly backs our environment, lifestyle and right to safe drinking water, because we don’t take corporate donations.”

“Let’s not forget last summer, when ash fell on our town. Buffel is choking our country and fuelling wildfires which threaten our environment, homes and safety.”

“Here in the desert, water scarcity penetrates the psyche of so many Territorians. Except the major parties’.”

Kat McNamara – Candidate for Nightcliff

“For a healthy environment which sustains our communities and economies, we have to reject Labor and the CLP’s policy of letting big business trash our environment.” 

“The Greens are pushing for stronger protections for water, country and nature. 

We need more transparency on how decisions about our fragile ecosystems are made. Onl then can we can protect places like Lee Point from wanton land clearing, Litchfield from rampant Gamba infestations & make sure there’s enough water for our communities, bush & wetlands .”

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