Labor – Mr Julian Assange

Australian citizen, Mr Julian Assange, has tonight been reunited with his family in Australia.

His return to Australia is possible due to the conclusion of a plea arrangement between Mr Assange and the United States Department of Justice, which was accepted by a United States court in Saipan on Wednesday 26 June.

This ends a long-running judicial process.

The Australian Government has been clear in its view that Mr Assange’s case had dragged on for too long.

We have, on every occasion and at every level, consistently advocated for Mr Assange’s case to be brought to a conclusion and for Mr Assange to come home.

Australian officials, in particular Ambassador Kevin Rudd and High Commissioner Stephen Smith, have worked closely with US and UK officials in support of these efforts and to enable his smooth return to Australia.

Tonight, we express our appreciation to the United States and the United Kingdom, for their efforts to find a pathway that met the interests of all parties.

As Mr Assange reunites with his loved ones in Australia, we ask that media respect his family’s privacy.

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