Today the Australian Greens have helped prevent millions of dollars in cuts to the NDIS and ensured that the government amendments to the NDIS Bill are thoroughly scrutinised and that the States and Territories are given the opportunity to give evidence.

The process and goals of this bill has been flawed since day one and will see millions in funding ripped from the scheme and participants left worse off.

Minister Shorten should have been engaging with the genuine concerns of the disabled community, reached out to the States and Territories and delivered on his promise not to make cuts to the scheme.

Instead the Minister has resorted to cheap stunts, expensive messaging guides and speeches to try and sell a deeply unpopular and damaging policy change.

Senator Jordon Steele-John, Greens Spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services

“I’m proud that the Greens have continued again and again to take the voices of disabled people into our parliament and fight for the scheme that has made such a difference in their lives.”

“Minister Shorten would do well to remember that politics is not a game and the issues of our community can not be reduced to zingers, expensive messaging guides and cheap stunts.”

“It’s this type of politics that turns people off trying to make a difference in their community and is well below a Minister who is supposed to be supporting disabled people, not cutting their services.”

“The NDIS has made such a meaningful impact in so many people’s lives and every day Labor’s flawed and damaging policy is not passed and is undergoing proper consultation saves millions of dollars in essential services for disabled people.”

“Bill Shorten made a pledge in parliament that there would be no cuts to the NDIS under this government. I and the disabled community really hope he keeps his promise.”

Responding to Minister Shorten’s announcement of Senator Steele-John said:

“Every dollar on that clock is a dollar not cut from essential services for disabled people and their families in a cost of living crisis.”

“All this stunt does is demonstrate the speed and severity of the cut that Labor is planning for the NDIS.”

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