Labor is now isolated as the only party allowing the big supermarket corporations to continue to misuse their market power and price-gouge Australian shoppers, the Greens say.

“The Coalition’s support for divestiture powers in the supermarket sector makes this a moment of choice for Prime Minister Albanese. He can either keep holding hands with Coles and Woolworths, or he can side with Australian shoppers,” Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“The Greens have long said that a more competitive supermarket sector would mean lower food and grocery prices. It is now only Labor standing in the way.”

“Cheaper food and genuine accountability for the anti-competitive behaviour of corporate supermarket giants is now within reach.”

“The Greens are proud to have led this debate, and to have helped highlight the need for divestiture through our recent Senate inquiry.”

“The numbers are now there to pass laws through the Senate. The Greens are ready and willing to work constructively to urgently deliver cheaper food and groceries.”

“Labor needs to stop supporting their corporate donors and actually work with the Parliament to deliver the powers we need to break up the supermarket duopoly, bring more competition to the supermarket sector and bring food prices down.”

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