Labor begins dismantling Service NSW

The NSW Opposition is calling on the Minns Labor Government to come clean on the true extent of cuts to Service NSW and to rethink the sacking of more than 200 frontline staff.

The Minns Labor Government has lost control of the state’s Budget and is now slashing one of the most successful government agencies in the country.

The previous Liberals and Nationals Government set up and rolled out Service NSW which was acknowledged by other State and Territory Governments as the best service delivery agencies in Australia.

According to leaked Service NSW documents, the agency will be subject to more than $100 million of annual cuts:

  • Digital Services will receive a $34 million cut, equating to a 26% reduction in funding.
  • Disaster Preparation and Recovery will receive a $9.2 million cut, equating to a 64% reduction in funding.
  • Partnerships and Projects will receive a $13.5 million cut, equating to a 56% reduction in funding.
  • Service NSW Business will receive a $11.7 million cut, equating to 31% reduction in funding.
  • Risk, Strategy and Customer Support will receive a $7.4 million cut, equating to a 25% reduction in funding.

Leader of the NSW Opposition Mark Speakman said these cuts by the Minns Labor Government will decimate Service NSW, crippling essential services and leaving our communities vulnerable in times of crisis.

“Chris Minns’ promises to union bosses have cost the NSW Budget more than $9 billion, with more to come, and now they are slashing more than $100 million from services that support NSW residents at critical times,” said Mr Speakman.

Shadow Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government James Griffin said Service NSW was an example of what good customer service looked like, delivering essential services that people rely on, and Chris Minns is ripping millions in annual funding and sacking hardworking staff.

“Only last year, the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Jihad Dib said that Service NSW was ’where citizens know they can turn in times of need‘ and yet he’s about to slam the door in their face,” said Mr Griffin.

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