A Shorten Labor Government will invest $750,000 in two University of Newcastle projects that will drive greater participation in higher education, both regionally and nationally.

This election will be a choice between a united Shorten Labor Government which will reverse the Liberals’ education cuts and give young Australians the education they deserve, or more of the Liberals’ cuts and chaos.
Ms Claydon said a $500,000 investment would allow the University of Newcastle to develop a self-paced national program designed to provide a taste of enabling programs to prospective students.
“The University of Newcastle is a national leader in enabling programs, having provided more than 60,000 students with an experience of university, resulting in many becoming the first in their family to go to university,” Ms Claydon said.
“This four-week online navigator resource will be available nationally to give prospective students from a diverse range of backgrounds information about these alternate pathways to university.
“It will allow people considering higher education to understand the pathways available in order to improve the access, retention and educational outcomes of diverse cohorts of people.”
Ms Claydon said a further $250,000 commitment would support a pilot program offering important time with staff and support for regional enabling students at community centres in the Upper Hunter, Central Coast and mid-north Coast regions.
“It can be hard for students in rural and regional communities to manage the challenges of study, work and family life when they live so far from campus.
“This funding will boost student outcomes by allowing them to engage face-to-face with university staff closer to home.”
University of Newcastle Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Darrell Evans, said the funding would create lasting opportunities.
“A university degree opens the door to so many opportunities in life, so the more we can do to improve access to higher education and provide the right support to students when they do go to university, the better the impact on our communities,” said Professor Evans.
“We need to ensure that we continue to provide opportunities and support all people to develop their capabilities, beyond schooling. These initiatives will help give those who may otherwise have thought university was not for them the knowledge to further their education.
“Additionally, this funding will also ensure that when people do enrol at our university, they are given the support they need to fulfil their potential.”
A Shorten Labor Government will also uncap university places and invest $3.2 billion into TAFE, university and skills training.
We need real change, because more of the same isn’t good enough. 
End the chaos. Vote for change. Vote for Labor.

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