Strengthening broadcasting and media partnerships in the Indo-Pacific

The Albanese Government’s new Indo-Pacific Broadcasting Strategy will increase access to trusted and reliable news, deliver quality content and foster engagement across the region.

Labor made an election commitment to deliver the Strategy, which will help Australia build closer relationships with countries in our region and restore our place as a partner of choice, as we work towards a peaceful, stable, and prosperous world.

The Strategy provides a framework to help foster a vibrant and independent media sector, counter misinformation, present modern multicultural Australia, and support deeper people-to-people engagement.

There are three key areas that the Strategy focuses on:

  • Support the creation and distribution of compelling Australian content that engages audiences and demonstrates Australia’s commitment to the region.
  • Enhance access in the region to trusted sources of media, including news and current affairs.
  • Strengthen regional media capacity and capability and boost connections between Australian-based and Indo-Pacific media and content creators.

To help media organisations in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and South Asia  provide quality media services, the Government is establishing the Indo-Pacific Media Fund. One of the Fund’s first initiatives is to support the Australian Associated Press to provide targeted training and access to news content in the Pacific.

The Strategy is underpinned by the Government’s investment of $40.5 million over five years from 2022-23 in the ABC to create new content, improve digital engagement, increase ongoing support for media partners in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and South Asia, and expand Radio Australia’s FM footprint across the Pacific.

The PacificAus TV initiative is also receiving $28.4 million over five years from 2022-23 to bolster the viability of Pacific regional media and expand access to Australian commercial television programs.

These contributions build on Australia’s longstanding support for the region, such as the Pacific Media Assistance Scheme and the PNG-focused Media Development Initiative which have supported the resilience, independence and professionalism of the Pacific media sector for more than a decade.

To reflect the varied media sectors and Australia’s diverse relationships across the region, the Strategy is accompanied by the Australia-Pacific Media and Broadcasting Partnership, Australia-Southeast Asia Media and Broadcasting Initiative and Australia-South Asia Media and Broadcasting Initiative.

Images and video are available at DFAT’s media library

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“Media plays a crucial role in elevating the voices and perspectives of our region and strengthening democracy.

“The Government is committed to supporting viable, resilient and independent media in the region, by deepening media connections and sharing content that builds a richer understanding of modern, multicultural Australia.”

Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP:

“A healthy Fourth Estate is imperative in the era of digital transformation and misinformation.

“This Strategy continues Australia’s longstanding commitment to supporting a robust media sector in our region.

“By leveraging Australia’s strengths, we can partner with the region to boost media connections, and foster a diverse and sustainable media landscape.”

Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Pat Conroy MP:

“Australia and the Pacific share close cultural and people-to-people links, and an enduring love of sport. These connections will be further enriched by the boost in Australian content, allowing us to watch, read, and listen to shared stories across the region – from rugby to news and music.

“We also look forward to continuing and expanding our support for media development, including through the new phase of the Pacific Media Assistance Scheme and future opportunities through the Australia-Pacific Media and Broadcasting Partnership.”

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