The program helping to break down barriers to accessing government payments and services for people experiencing homelessness has expanded to include more locations across Australia.

Minister for Government Services Bill Shorten, has announced 9 new partnerships, including in Newcastle, bringing the total to 27 nationwide.

“I’m pleased to announce BaptistCare HopeStreet has welcomed the opportunity to partner with Services Australia in Newcastle,” Minister Shorten said. 

“In this program, Services Australia Community Partnership Specialist Officers (CPSOs) works alongside community organisations to connect people to government payments and services.

“As Minister for Government Services one of my priorities is simplifying access to government support, and Community Partnerships do just that.

“Working alongside non-government organisations, learning from each other’s expertise, and listening and responding to the needs of people accessing these services, the partnerships have delivered real results.

“We are meeting people where they are, working with them individually to understand their circumstances and tailoring support to connect them to essential government services.”

Since Community Partnerships began as a then pilot in 2022, CPSOs have assisted customers on more than 33,642 occasions.

The majority of these customers had complex barriers to accessing government services, were homeless or experiencing housing instability and just under half were experiencing mental ill health.

Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon, said the Community Partnership will bolster the existing support available for individuals and families in Newcastle.

“This is an important service that is making a huge difference to vulnerable people in need.”

“By continuing and extending this initiative, more people experiencing vulnerability will be able to access and engage with government services, in their local community and get the support they need.

“This will have wide-reaching benefits for many Novocastrians.”

Operations Lead for Community Services with BaptistCare, Elizabeth Hukins welcomed the opportunity to partner with Service Australia.

“BaptistCare HopeStreet is thrilled to be partnering with Services Australia to enable vulnerable people in Newcastle to have better access to federal government services.  We are excited to introduce this program to our locations in Windale and Wallsend.”

For more information about Community Partnerships visit

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