New Legal Aid client liaison officers to provide support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and cultural and linguistically diverse Canberrans are among projects that Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury has funded from the Confiscated Assets Trust (CAT).

The funding will support a range of initiatives designed to empower victims, strengthen community connections and ensure a fairer legal process for the community.

The Attorney-General said that CAT funding ensures that proceeds of crime recovered under the Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003 can be used productively to address the impact of crime on the community. These projects invest proceeds of crime in activities that will support criminal justice activities, crime prevention, and assistance to victims of crime.

“Access to justice is a fundamental right,” the Attorney-General said. “This investment reflects our commitment to ensuring that all Canberrans have equal opportunity to navigate the legal system. We are proud to support these important initiatives that will make a real difference in the lives of many.”

Projects aimed at increasing access to justice to receive CAT funding in this round include:

  • Women’s Legal Centre: $30,000

Supporting the development and distribution of a Sexual Assault Legal Service handbook, providing essential information and resources to sexual assault survivors navigating the criminal justice system.

  • Expansion of the Witness Assistance Scheme: $404,346

Immediate expansion of the Witness Assistance Scheme within the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), providing essential support and guidance to witnesses and complainants throughout the criminal justice process.

  • Legal Aid ACT: $369,000

Strengthening Legal Aid’s capacity by employing three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse client liaison officers, who will provide targeted support to vulnerable members of the community.

  • Extension of Embedded Prosecutor Initiative: $107,000

Extending the placement of a senior prosecutor within the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team (SACAT) in the ODPP, ensuring the provision of high-quality, pre-charge advice and support for the implementation of the new Threshold to Charge policy. 

Dr John Boersig PSM, Legal Aid ACT Chief Executive Officer

“Legal Aid ACT is strongly committed to the delivery of services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities. As a mainstream service provider to the ACT, we understand the importance of communication and the key role of allied professionals in the justice system.  This will allow us to better provide legal assistance by engaging liaison officers from these communities.”

Quote attributable to Elena Rosenman, Women’s Legal Centre ACT Chief Executive Officer

“The first step to making the criminal justice system more responsive to people who have been affected by sexual violence is to provide clear, accessible information about what to expect in the process. Information, accompanied by specialist legal assistance and support, can be part of rebuilding community trust in the policing and criminal justice responses to sexual violence. . If you need help, please contact Sexual Violence Legal Services on 6257 4377.”

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