Labor shouldn’t rip the guts out of a real Truth and Justice Commission

The Australian Greens have urged Labor to support and establish a real federal Truth and Justice Commission that can inquire into historic and ongoing injustices against First Nations people and make recommendations to Parliament.

Not, as they have suggested, a bare-minimum, watered down version that won’t address the systemic oppression and racism that communities continue to face.

Overnight, The Age reported Labor was looking to establish a ‘minimalist’ truth-telling plan that would help educate Australians about First Nations history.

It would reportedly contrast the much stronger model in Victoria, which has seen the Yoorrook Justice Commission make many important recommendations for change.

Australian Greens First Nations spokesperson, Senator Dorinda Cox:

“The Greens have a bill for a Truth and Justice Commission before Parliament that Labor could help pass in the coming weeks. This bill is supported by key stakeholders and members of our communities. 

“If Labor is serious about First Nations justice and implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, as they promised, they would back our bill. 

“Why would they not want to give a voice to First Nations peoples and support processes that for the first time would record our rich and vibrant culture and heritage in both pre and post-colonial times? Which would allow us to move towards righting the wrongs of the past and healing as a nation.

“Instead they are suggesting ripping the guts out of a First Nations-led federal Truth and Justice Commission and pushing through a watered down ‘plan’ that will do nothing to address the injustices our communities continue to face and further the sideline reparative processes for healing this nation.

“A ‘minimalist’ model will do nothing and certainly won’t allow us to record the pre-colonial history of Australia and make recommendations to the Parliament on how to address the ongoing systemic issues, which will bring practical changes to close the gap for our people, we need something stronger like the Victorian model.

“We cannot change the past, but we can build a better future for First Nations and non-indigenous Australians with a federal Truth and Justice Commission, which will help us to heal and move forward together as a nation.” 

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