New Forestry Minister Julie Collins needs to end native forest logging

The appointment of Julie Collins as Forestry Minister presents an urgent opportunity to end native forest logging across Australia, the Greens say.

“Minister Collins must show leadership and end native forest logging,” Greens Forests Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“Our native forests are invaluable for their biodiversity, their role in carbon sequestration, and their cultural significance to First Nations communities.” 

“Continuing to log our native forests not only makes the climate crisis worse but also destroys habitats that are home to countless species, some of which are on the brink of extinction.”

“Minister Collins’ own electorate of Franklin suffers directly from logging burns which pollute our skies, clog our lungs, heat the planet and impact on the tourism industry.”

“The scientific consensus is clear: we must protect our native forests if we are to meet our climate targets and preserve our unique biodiversity.”

“Minister Collins has a clear choice – she can side with big logging corporations, or she can stand with the Australian people who overwhelmingly support ending the destruction of our precious forests.”

“The time to end native forest logging is now.”

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