Albanese must wear blame for out-of-control CFMEU

The Albanese Labor Government’s weak leadership has enabled the out-of-control CFMEU to reach a point where we now see startling revelations that the union has been deeply infiltrated by bikies, gangland and underworld criminal figures.

“The depth of criminal infiltration, revealed by the Nine newspapers, is extremely disturbing and should be of concern to every Australian,’’ she said.

“The Albanese Government’s abolition of the Australian Building and Construction Commission has been even worse than expected – we now have organised crime figures and bikies running rampant on our nation’s building sites,” she said.

“What this means for Australian taxpayers is that the cost of building important infrastructure they pay for and rely on will continue to increase. This in turn will lead to further cost of living pressures for all Australians, something which Mr Albanese turns a blind eye to,’’ Senator Cash said.

“With today’s revelations of the criminal infiltration of the union the Labor Party should immediately hand back all the money that has been donated to them by the CFMEU in recent years,’’ she said.

“Mr Albanese needs to stop making excuses and take action, His constant excuses for their behaviour should appal all Australians. What more does Mr Albanese need before he shows a modicum of leadership,’’ Senator Cash said.

“But past conduct by Mr Albanese and Minister Tony Burke would indicate it is unlikely they will act against the union that donated $4.3 million to the Labor Party to help them win the election,’’ Senator Cash said.

“There are a series of actions that Mr Albanese can immediately take to start cleaning up the construction industry,’’ she said.

“Mr Albanese should legislate the former Coalition Government’s Ensuring Integrity Bill of 2019, which Labor fought tooth and nail against at the time,’’ Senator Cash said.

That Bill would introduce a range of measures to ensure registered organisations work for their members and not themselves.

It would give the Court powers to disqualify officials of registered organisations that don’t act in the interest of members, have a history of breaking the law or are otherwise not fit and proper to hold office in a registered organisation.

“Mr Albanese should also immediately bring back the ABCC as the tough cop on the beat in the industry. They need all the powers they had in the past’’ Senator Cash said.

“Penalties for breaches of the Fair Work Act need to be increased and the fit and proper person test for right of entry onto construction sites need to be tightened. People with multiple criminal offences should never be granted right of entry permits,’’ Senator Cash said.

Senator Cash welcomed the resignation of John Setka from the CFMEU in the wake of the revelations but said it was a long time coming.

“Australian taxpayers have ultimately paid the price for the militant actions of the CFMEU for many years now,’’ she said.

“Mr Setka’s behaviour has been appalling over many years, we saw his recent threats against the AFL over a personal vendetta,’’ Senator Cash said.

“We also saw Prime Minister Albanese’s pathetic weakness as he failed to condemn Mr Setka for his behaviour,’’ she said

“Unfortunately, there are many in the CFMEU who emulate Mr Setka and who exhibit similar behaviour. Unless this behaviour is stomped out, our construction sector will continue to be held back,’’ Senator Cash said.

“The Albanese Government gave Mr Setka and his allies effective control of the construction sector in Australia when they abolished the ABCC,’’ she said.

“And Australians know why – the CFMEU gave $4.3 million to Labor to win the last election,’’ Senator Cash said.

“The Albanese government has shown craven cowardice and weakness – they have given Mr Setka everything he wanted and were wilfully blind to his militant actions for years. As always with Labor, money talks and principle has no place.”

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