Morrison Government Continues to Support Jobs

The Morrison Government is a jobs Government.
Jobs figures released by the ABS today reinforce the importance of a strong economy to the jobs prospects of all Australians.
There are over 1.3 million more people in work than there were in 2013, with over 320,000 jobs created last year and almost 30,000 jobs in the last month.
Participation in the jobs market is the highest it has ever been and female participation is the highest it has ever been.
More than three quarters of the jobs created over the last year were full-time and more women are in full-time work than ever before.
Last year, over 100,000 new jobs were created for young people, the first time this has ever been achieved.
Welfare dependency is at its lowest level in 30 years.
Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations and Minister for Women, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, said the Coalition’s economic plan is working.
“Our plan for a strong and secure economy is working. There are 1.3 million more people in work than when we came to office, and a record number of Australians participating in the jobs market,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
“The Morrison Government is committed to creating a further 1.25 million jobs over the next five years, including 250,000 jobs for young Australians.”
“A weaker economy under Bill Shorten risks jobs and livelihoods. When Labor was last in Government more than 205,000 Australians joined the unemployment queue. The number of unemployed women in Australia increased by more than 80,000 under Labor. The total unemployment rate was 5.7 per cent and 12.7 per cent for young Australians.”
The only way to deliver more jobs is through a stronger economy under a Liberal-National Government.

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