Greens release plan for 270,000 new jobs

The Australian Greens have today announced that their plan will deliver hundreds of thousands of new jobs across Australia.
“The Greens have a plan for a safer climate, a fairer society and new lasting jobs,” said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
“Scott Morrison wants you to believe that we have to choose between our economy and the environment but the truth is that they move in the same direction.
“Not only would the Greens’ plan protect existing jobs in Australia’s food bowl and on the Great Barrier Reef, but it would also create 270,000 new full-time jobs in a range of industries.
“We will create 21st-century jobs that support Australia’s 21st century needs. Jobs in renewable energy, construction, public service, aged care and the arts
“While the major parties do the bidding of their big corporate donors and prop up dying fossil fuel industries like coal and gas, the Greens have a comprehensive plan to create real jobs that will last and set us up for the future,” said Di Natale.

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