New minimum energy efficiency standards delivering comfortable homes for renters

Today the ACT Government has released a report showing that changes to energy efficiency standards made in April last year have improved living conditions for many renters in Canberra. 

Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction Shane Rattenbury said the report is an endorsement of the work being undertaken to make Canberra a fairer place to live for renters. 

“Everyone should have access to a safe and affordable home. In a wealthy place like Canberra, nobody should have to live in a home that boils in summer and freezes in winter,” Minister Rattenbury said. 

“Last year, we introduced new standards for ceiling insulation so that people who rent their homes are protected from the hot summers and cold winters we can often experience here in Canberra.  

“In a cost of living crisis, better insulation standards do more than just keep our homes comfortable, they actually reduce energy bills and help Canberrans use less energy when powering their home. 

“Since the new standard was introduced, our monitoring of the program has shown that there has been no impact from the improved standards on rental prices or the number of homes in the market.  

“Contrary to the rhetoric of many conservative commentators, our evidence shows that improving rental insulation standards does not lead to landlords taking homes off the market and prices rising. These reforms are making life better for renters.  

“In fact, over the past year and a half we have seen landlords getting behind the new standards. There has been strong compliance with disclosure obligations and an increase in ceiling insulation upgrades across the ACT more broadly. 

“As a result of this increased demand for ceiling insulation, we are also seeing more certified ceiling insulation installers across Canberra, which is improving competition in the market and reducing overall cost for insulation upgrades. 

“I’m thrilled to see the results of this fantastic progressive reform to support young people and renters in Canberra, and I look forward to doing even more work into the future to make Canberra a better and fairer place to live in as a renter.“ 

The ACT Government offers support to rental property owners through the Sustainable Household Scheme. Eligible property owners can access zero-interest loans of up to $15,000 to upgrade the insulation or install efficient electric appliances in their rental property. 

Renters can also maximise their home’s energy efficiency through the free Renters Home Energy Program. As part of this service an expert assessor can either come to your home or call you, and provide tailored draught-proofing and energy saving solutions that are suitable for renters. 

Read the monitoring and evaluation report on the first year of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard on the Everyday Climate Choices website

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