ACCC’s supermarket price gouging case exposes Labor’s inaction

The ACCC’s decision to take Woolworths and Coles to court for price gouging has highlighted Labor’s complete inaction on the corporate villains who caused an inflation crisis.

“These supermarket giants have been caught exploiting consumers under the cover of high inflation, and using fake discount claims to rake in profits,” Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“This is exactly why the Greens have introduced bills to the Parliament to crack down on corporate price gouging and break up the supermarket duopoly.”

“Coles and Woolworths have exploited a national crisis to overcharge people. This is price gouging, plain and simple.”

“Their behaviour is maliciously deceitful and utterly contemptuous of Australian shoppers.”

“They could never have engaged in this behaviour if they did not have market dominance and price gouging had been illegal.”

“Surely now Labor has to stop running interference for Coles and Woolworths and join the Greens to crack down on corporate price gouging.”

“The Greens’ bills would give the ACCC real power to stop this type of behaviour.”

“Today’s revelations show Labor has been asleep at the wheel on this issue. They are protecting their corporate mates while Australians suffer.”

“These companies have used their market dominance to relentlessly profiteer.”

“It’s time to break them up and pass anti-price gouging laws to protect Australians from this kind of exploitation.”

“The Greens have the solutions on the table to end this kind of behaviour and put more power into the hands of shoppers.”

“Labor needs to stop siding with these fundamentally dishonest corporations and work with us to pass these critical reforms.”

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