Premier Chris Minns’ latest attempt to stifle right to protest masquerades as “User-pays”

Following the huge crowds that attended peaceful anti-war protests over the weekend, the NSW Premier Chris Minns has spoken out about the possibility of categorising ongoing assemblies as user-pays events. In NSW, the Police Force provides most policing services free of charge, but are entitled under the “user-pays” agreement to charge the organisers of primarily music festivals excessive fees to police crowds and ensure community safety. There has been sustained criticism in recent years that the NSWPF have been using user-pays to price-gouge organisers and shut-down events they deem inappropriate.

Greens MP and spokesperson for justice Sue Higginson said, “The right to protest, including as part of a sustained protest effort, is the foundation of a healthy, functioning and mature democracy. Threatening to interfere with the right to protest creates a dangerous environment where important voices of democracy are strangled out of existence,”

“The police presence at the civil assemblies in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese people has been extreme, excessive and unnecessary. We now have 52 weeks of evidence that demonstrates these protests are non-violent and peaceful. In 365 days there have been no incidents of violence, except from the police themselves. People are gathering to express their collective grief and they’re calling for an end to the violence. There is simply no justification for such an excessive show of heavily armed and mounted police at these events,”

“If the Premier is concerned about the cost to the public of excessive police presence at protest events, the rational solution is to stop the excessive police presence and allocate those resources elsewhere. It is wrong for him to cry poor on police resourcing and allocation when he has been drumming up the need for the heavy police presence and when there is simply no credible reason for such a show of police to attend these events,”

“The extreme reliance on the Police in this state has been well documented, and under this Labor Government is being ratcheted up to an extreme level. It is not protestors or sustained peaceful non-violence that is a drain on our public funds, but the intense over-reliance on heavily armed and over-empowered police officers. It is time for the police state being swiftly cultivated under Minns’ watch to be called to account,”

“We know that the user-pays price tag is just a thinly-veiled attempt to shut down these important historic anti-war assemblies. The Premier knows well that a grass-roots coalition sustained by volunteers committed to speaking out against injustice have no possible means to pay the hefty price tag associated with a user-pays event. This is a state-sanctioned chokehold on the right to protest and assembly, and a transparent attempt to disband the tens-of-thousands of people critiquing NSW Labor,”

“There is simply no need for such a heavy handed approach and over policing. The Premier is once again responding to shock-jocks who would rather stoke social unrest than listen to the voices of the people. The Premier is now so influenced by 2GB it is hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. Perhaps it is time for Chris Minns to cut out the middleman and hand over the Premiership to 2GBs Ray Hadly,” Ms Higginson said.

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