Greens statement on Hong Kong

The Australian Greens are deeply concerned at the Hong Kong Government’s proposed new extradition agreement with China.  The proposal will undermine Hong Kong’s independent legal system, and it will expose people to China’s unjust system, Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale said.
“We all know that China’s judicial system is deeply politicised.  The right to a fair trial is chronically denied and defendants often face ill-treatment and torture – despite policies prohibiting such treatment. People unjustly mired in China’s judicial system have little to no hope of redress.
“The Chinese Government still hasn’t aligned its key criminal laws and policies with international human rights standards.  It does not always allow criminal suspects access to lawyers.  It fails to investigate allegations of police torture and to hold police to account.  It imprisons human rights lawyers, artists and academics.
The Greens urge the Australian Government to speak out strongly against this new proposal in the hope that it doesn’t become law.”

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