Statement on the Australian Greens MPs Party Room Meeting

Statement from Australian Greens Whip Sen. Rachel Siewert:
Today the Australian Greens Party Room met and re-affirmed the positions of our leadership team.
Following a customary spill of the leadership positions, the roles of Leader, Co-Deputy Leader and Whip have all been returned without challenge. The rotating position of Party Room Chair has moved from Adam Bandt MP to Sen. Janet Rice.
The leadership roles for the 46th Parliament are as follows:
Parliamentary Leader: Dr Richard Di Natale
Deputy Leader: Sen. Larissa Waters
Deputy Leader: Adam Bandt MP
Party Whip: Sen. Rachel Siewert
Party Room Chair: Sen. Janet Rice
Statement from Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale:
I am excited to have been re-elected parliamentary leader by my Party Room colleagues and want to thank them for putting their trust in me again. I am so proud of our achievements and the strong role the Greens have played in shaping the debate of the 45th Parliament, and I am confident that we will once again be a driving force in responding to the major challenges that confront our nation.
First and foremost on the Greens’ agenda in the 46th Parliament will be tackling the existential threat of dangerous climate change and ensuring that no one is left behind as we undertake the transformation of our economy away from dirty, polluting fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to a clean, green, jobs-rich economy powered by renewable energy.
I also know that many Australians are struggling with the rising cost of living, job insecurity and growing inequality. Our determination to secure a safe climate future for our kids and grandkids, and to create a fairer and more equal society, go hand in hand.
In 2016 I began a conversation with our membership over how the leader of our Parliamentary team is elected in future, so that it better reflects the rapid growth our party has experienced over the last 20 years. I am very pleased with the level of positive engagement this conversation has generated within the Party and I look forward to it continuing.
Statement from Willisa Hogarth and Catherine Garner, Co-Conveners of the Australian Greens
The Australian Greens welcome the reappointment of Richard, Larissa, Adam and Rachel to their parliamentary roles, and congratulate Janet on being appointed Party Room Chair. We are thrilled to see our entire federal team returned following the election.
Our party is in the midst of important discussions about how we support and grow our movement, engage with our members and address the social, economic and environmental challenges our country and our planet is facing. We, Richard and our whole party room, remain committed to this process.
Again, we extend our congratulations and gratitude to the whole Parliamentary Team, all of our candidates who put themselves forward this election and our incredible movement of Greens volunteers and members who continue to work so hard for a future for all of us.

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