The first Pasefika-Samoan MP to sit in the Victorian Parliament Anasina Gray-Barberio will give her inaugural speech to Parliament this evening, entering the chamber as over one hundred Samoan singers sing a traditional Samoan song.
Newly elected Greens MP Anasina Gray-Baberio will give her inaugural speech this evening Wednesday 27 November at 6.00pm.
The singers will however have to sing from the corridors outside the chamber because the other parties refused to support a motion allowing the cultural practice of singing to occur inside the public gallery inside the Parliament chamber, as is common practice in other Parliaments such as in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ms Gray-Barberio said that the decision not to allow cultural singing in the public gallery, as occurs in other Parliaments, was really disappointing as this is a significant cultural tradition for the Samoan community.
Greens MP for Northern Metropolitan, Anasina Gray-Barberio:
“As the first Pasefika-Samoan person to be entering this Parliament, this is an incredibly significant moment and it’s important for me to be able to practice my culture and have my community here for this moment.
“It’s disappointing that before even getting started, I’m being denied the chance to practice a small part of my culture. The Parliament is supposed to be a place for all Victorians, and I would’ve hoped our Parliament in Victoria could accommodate different cultures in this place, and it’s disappointing to see the community denied this.
“But we only need to look at the powerful moments from the Parliament in Aotearoa New Zealand in recent weeks to know that the tide is changing.
“Despite not being able to have the community in there with me tonight, I know they’re behind me. I’m entering this job with my culture at the forefront. To represent the voices that too often go unheard. Let’s get to work.”