Re-elected Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young to continue to fight for SA

Following the final count of the SA Senate vote by the AEC today, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has been returned to the Senate with the largest swing to the Greens across the country.
“I want to thank South Australian voters for their overwhelming support this election. South Australians have put their faith in me to stand up and protect our state’s jobs and environment. I will work bloody hard to make sure our state is not undermined by the anti-renewables, water-greedy agenda of the eastern states,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
“Protecting the environment and making sure there is a safe and healthy planet for our children and grandchildren is my priority.  South Australians love our beaches and ocean and together we will protect the Great Australian Bight from the exploitation of big oil.
“I will stand up to the Government to ensure they don’t drag our progressive state backward. I will fight to protect our renewable energy industry and the thousands of jobs in tourism and fishing at risk if drilling in the Bight goes ahead.
“South Australians voted for me to represent them and I will not take my foot off the pedal. In the first week back, I will be introducing a Bill to ban drilling in the Great Australian Bight. I invite my fellow South Australians MPs work together to protect the Bight by adding their names to the Bill.
“I will not let this Government wind back the progress our state has made. In the Senate, I’ll work my hardest to keep our state on-track and stand up for all South Australians.”

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