Time To End The War on Weed

Greens Senator and Justice Spokesperson David Shoebridge has today launched a fully costed scheme for legalising cannabis across Australia.  

The policy is supported by new costings from the Parliamentary Budget Office. The costing shows total tax revenue from legalising cannabis tracking at over $700 million a year within 3 years of operation. This is just part of the shift of wealth from bikie gangs and organized crime towards the public and legitimate businesses when we legalise recreational cannabis. It’s also fresh money that can be invested in schools, hospitals and climate action. 

A legal, well-regulated cannabis market means safer products, billions in public revenue, and no more pointless arrests for possessing a plant. With our plan, you’ll be able to buy regulated cannabis from licensed dispensaries and cannabis cafes or even grow up to six plants at home. No more dodgy deals—just a smart, safe, and fair system.

Greens Senator and Justice Spokesperson David Shoebridge: 

“Labor had the chance to vote for legalisation last year and blew it. We’re not waiting for them to wake up.

“The Greens plan will let the public decide if they want to spend more time and money on the failed war on drugs or grow a new sustainable and exciting industry. 

“Billions of dollars in revenue, just imagine what that fresh funding could do for mental health, education, and drug programs. 

“Legal weed isn’t a wild idea—it’s already working in Canada, Germany, and most of the US. Why is Australia stuck in the past?

“Safe, labelled, quality-controlled cannabis, maybe even organically grown, that’s the future we see. This would be an amazing step up from the current policy setting that so often delivers random strength mystery weed and billions in profits to an illegal industry.

“The future we see is one with secure regional jobs, safe products, flourishing small businesses and the option to visit a chilled out cannabis cafe. 

“If you can responsibly enjoy a beer, why not an infused smoothie or a fresh baked brownie? Adults should be trusted to make their own choices when it comes to cannabis.

“We’ve already hashed out the details, now is the time to make legal cannabis a reality”, Senator Shoebridge said. 

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