Parliament is set to pass laws that end no grounds evictions and rental bidding today as the Victorian Greens claim this as a ‘huge win for renters’ and renew calls for rent controls.
The reforms to ban no grounds evictions and rental bidding are included in the Consumer and Planning Legislation Amendment (Housing Statement Reform) Bill 2024, which is slated to pass through the Upper House later today with support from the Greens.
After years of pressure from the Greens, Labor has finally delivered some relief for struggling renters but the Greens say that while these are huge reforms that have been long fought for, rent controls are the final piece that will make the biggest difference for renters.
The laws set to pass today will make it illegal for real estate agents to accept offers above the listed rental price; end the ability for landlords to kick renters out at the end of a first fixed term agreement; increase notice period for rent increases and notices to vacate from 60 to 90 days; protect renters’ privacy and end hidden fees through predatory third party apps.
The Victorian Greens Renters’ Rights spokesperson, Gabrielle de Vietri said these are tangible reforms for renters, but that until unlimited rent increases are made illegal, housing will still be unaffordable and insecure for renters.
Victorian Greens Renters’ Rights spokesperson, Gabrielle de Vietri:
“For too long landlords and real estate agents have been able to prey on renters, forcing them to bid against each other for a roof over their heads and then kicking them out for no reason. But after years of Greens pressure, today we’re making that illegal.
“These reforms are a huge win for renters, but we know that a massive rent increase is still just a de facto eviction and that to make a real difference in the lives of renters, we need to make unlimited rent increases illegal. We’ll keep standing up for renters and pushing Labor until we freeze and cap rents.”