Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 March 2025

Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council Meeting of Tuesday 25 March 2025. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions. 

Lord Mayoral Minutes  

Five years on from COVID-19

A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledged the work of City of Newcastle staff during the pandemic to continue delivering essential services throughout shutdown periods and acknowledged the work, commitment and dedication of emergency services and health and care workers in our local region.

Newcastle Maritime Museum Society

A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that notes the CEO has confirmed his intention to write to Venues NSW seeking they waive the rent for the Newcastle Maritime Museum Society (NMMS) for a period of 12 months and seeks clarification on the relationship between the Lord Mayor and members of the committee, including any financial contributions to his election campaign. It also refers this matter to Davidson for consideration as part of the Davidson Review, noting the presence of conflicts of interest, the expenditure of ratepayers’ funds, and that the review is yet to be finalised and is set to be reported to Council in April 2025.

Supporting community safety in Beaumont Street

A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that resolved to hold a workshop for all councillors to explore further strategies to reduce antisocial behaviour in Beaumont Street, Hamilton and continue working with State Government agencies and representatives to develop future plans to improve the street.

Ordinary business

Tender report – Design and construction Foreshore Park playspaces

Council voted to accept a tender for design and construction of the Foreshore Park play space, which will be an inclusive, community hub for intergenerational community building, and will be of a quality and scale that is commensurate with the role of the park and its importance to the city and the region.

Tender report – Carnley Avenue and Orchardtown Road traffic control signals

Council voted unanimously to accept a tender for installation of Orchardtown Road/Carnley Avenue traffic control signals and related civil works as part of the completion of the Blackbutt Village Local Centre upgrade.

Endorsement of Motions for Submissions to the 2025 National General Assembly and nomination of voting delegate

Council voted unanimously to nominate Councillor Winney-Baartz as City of Newcastle’s voting delegate at the Australian Local Government Association’s 2025 National General Assembly.

Adoption of the Newcastle Affordable Housing Scheme

Council voted to endorse finalising the statutory proposal to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 to give effect to the Newcastle Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme, allowing City of Newcastle to impose conditions of consent on development applications for certain developments to levy affordable housing contributions.

Broadmeadow Place Strategy

Council voted unanimously to adopt the Broadmeadow Place Strategy and request that the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces issue a Ministerial Direction under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to give the Place Strategy legal effect.

Notices of Motion

Recognising transgender day of visibility

Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to recognise and acknowledge International Transgender Day on 31 March each year to show our support for Newcastle’s transgender and gender diverse community.

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