Money for Murray-Darling must be frozen

The Greens have called for an immediate freeze on money for Murray-Darling water projects until the Auditor-General can review payments and water recovery.
“Last night’s Four Corners shows the rorting of taxpayer funds for the benefit of big business is not a thing of the past – it’s still happening. And it continues to harm rather than fix our most important river system,” Greens water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“Two years ago Four Corners rocked the country when they shone a light on the scandalous use of taxpayer funds in the Murray-Darling. Since then, nothing has been fixed and big business continues to brazenly rort the system for their own benefit.
“Most of the $13 billion allocated for the plan has been spent and where is the water? The Auditor-General must be brought in to investigate immediately. We urgently need to get more water to the river, business-as-usual will only leave it high and dry.
“Despite continuing scandals and disasters in the Basin, the government continues to sit on its hands. They must take urgent action, stop the rorts and hold those responsible to account.
“Years ago, Barnaby Joyce bragged he was more interested in looking after his big irrigator mates than the River. Last night we saw that is exactly what he and his National Party mates have been doing.
“Basin communities, family farmers and Australian taxpayers deserve answers. The only way to get them is with a federal Royal Commission.”

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