Nuclear waste dump process must be independent

The Greens have called for the process to select a nuclear waste site to be halted, and an independent, expert panel to take over, amid deep concerns about the sidelining of the community and Traditional Owners.
“Today’s revelations that Kimba is the preferred site for an expanded nuclear waste dump are deeply troubling,” Greens nuclear spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“The entire process has been badly botched from the start, with community concerns ignored and the Adnyamathanha and Barngarla people sidelined.
“The Minister has serious questions to answer. He must clarify immediately whether a site has been selected and if the site will be expanded.
“The ongoing mismanagement of the process makes it clearer than ever that this must not be left in the hands of the Minister. An independent, expert inquiry needs to be established.
“South Australia is not going to just roll over and be the country’s dumping ground. This plan would lock generations of South Australians to nuclear waste. We are proud of our clean, green agriculture industry and beautiful natural environment. It must be protected.”

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