Greens climate change and energy spokesperson and Acting Leader, Adam Bandt MP, today said that Angus Taylor’s apparent refusal to convene the COAG energy council is more evidence that this government does not care about climate action whatsoever.
“The Minister for Emissions Reduction doesn’t want to reduce emissions,” said Mr Bandt.
“The government has no energy policy and no climate policy because it doesn’t actually care about climate change.
“Instead of trying to work constructively through COAG last year, the Minister used procedure to delay and scuttle any kind of progress.
“Once the Renewable Energy Target runs out next year, we won’t have a single, useful climate policy left at a federal level and meanwhile, pollution continues to rise under the Minister’s watch.
“How many people will die from heatwaves, bushfires and cyclones before this government realises we need to reduce pollution?
“I hope that without Tony Abbott in Canberra, the government eventually comes to its senses and works across parliament and with the states to implement proper policy, but they’ve given no indication that they care whether emissions go up or down.”

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