Greens call for urgent Australian Government action in the face of cultural genocide of Uighur people

Following Four Corners last night, which showed families being torn apart by the Chinese Government’s mass incarceration of Uighurs and other Muslim minorities, leader of the Australian Greens Richard Di Natale called for the Australian Government to take urgent action.
Di Natale said: “We are seeing the Chinese Government commit cultural genocide against the Uighur people.  More than one million people have been rounded up and put in massive internment camps.  The mass surveillance in Xinjiang is frightening, as is the forced labour and restrictions on free movement.
“The Australian Government must call this out for what it is, and impose targeted sanctions such as travel bans against Chinese Government officials and entities credibly alleged to be responsible for these serious human rights violations.”
“It’s devastating to hear the stories of Australians and their families, like Sadam Abudusalamu, who have been victims of these human rights abuses. Those who spoke out on Four Corners last night showed incredible bravery. The Australian Government must demand the release of Australian citizens, and any relatives of Australian citizens, who are in arbitrary detention.”
“The Greens welcome the fact that last week Australia added its name to a joint statement urging China to end its mass arbitrary detentions in Xinjiang and allow access for UN and independent international observers, but more must be done.”

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