Greens: Manus Island

Australian Greens Immigration Spokesperson Nick McKim has been ordered to leave Manus Island on the sixth anniversary of the commencement of indefinite offshore detention.
“The veil of secrecy continues to surround Australia’s detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru,” Senator McKim said.
“As a member of the Australian Parliament it is my duty to examine the conditions in which Australia’s detainees are being kept.”
“This has been six long years of cruelty and deprivation.”
“The mental health of detainees is at an all-time low.”
“The deliberate cruelty of the Labor and Liberal parties has removed all hope that these men had for the future.”
“The Australian Greens will continue fighting to ensure all refugees and people seeking asylum are given the freedom and safety they so desperately need.”
Senator McKim was ordered to leave Papua New Guinea on Friday despite having an official passport and multiple entry visa.
“In my six visits to Papua New Guinea I have always followed local laws and been respectful to everyone.”
“It is the Labor and Liberal parties who wear the shame of this bloody chapter, not the people of Papua New Guinea.”

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