The NSW Government has outlined its strategic vision for Pyrmont and the Western Harbour precinct as a vibrant residential, entertainment and innovation hub on the fringe of Sydney’s CBD.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian today announced the Greater Sydney Commission had been directed to immediately review the area’s planning rules to ensure they are consistent with the Government’s vision for its future.
“I am sending a strong message that Pyrmont is open for business and ready to be taken to the next level,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“Sydney is Australia’s only true global city and we have a unique opportunity before us to transform Pyrmont and the Western Harbour precint into an iconic destination.
“With a growing population, we know there will be more development in Pyrmont in the future. With that will come opportunities to build more transport links including a potential Metro station.
“While individual applications will continue to be determined on their merits, this review sends a clear signal that our government believes the Pyrmont area has a bright and exciting future as a key part of the NSW visitor economy.”
Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said the GSC’s review would also include recommendations to the Government on how to support a greater diversity of development in the precinct.
“We need to ensure planning rules for the area are still relevant, particularly with major projects planned including the new Sydney Fishmarket, the Ultimo Creative Arts Precinct and Bays Precinct,” Mr Stokes said.
“We must ensure that our planning system is clear and effective in supporting the type and scale of development needed in a top quality, vibrant, mixed-use precinct.
“We must also ensure that any major plans to transform the area are supported with the right infrastructure to create a vibrant destination for locals, visitors and businesses alike.”
The Greater Sydney Commission commenced its review last week, with their report due to be completed by the end of next month.

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