Greens response to AFP raids

The Greens responded to the AFP raid on the home of an Australian Signals Directorate intelligence officer today:
Greens Spokesperson for Media and Communications and Chair of the Senate Inquiry into Press Freedoms and Whistleblower Protections Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“Today’s raid by the AFP on an intelligence officer is very concerning. The intimidation of truth tellers by this government is alarming.
“Journalism and the protection of whistleblowers are essential pillars of democracy.
“First the AFP raided the journalists, now they are raiding public servants.
“The Government should be upfront about whether today’s raid is in relation to the earlier raids on a News Corp journalist who exposed the Government’s draconian plan to allow the Australian Signals Directorate to spy on Australians.
“The Senate Inquiry into press freedoms and whistleblowers is increasingly urgent, and will consider protections for public sector employees who disclose sensitive and classified information.”
Greens Spokesperson for Justice Senator Nick McKim said:
“These raids are designed to intimidate potential public interest whistle blowers.”
“This is the stuff of a police state, not a democracy.”

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