Tourists to pour into NSW wine regions

NSW winemakers will have tourists knocking down their cellar doors thanks to a $2 million marketing campaign.
Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said the Commonwealth and state governments had both invested $1 million each to back the NSW wine industry.
“Good food and wine is meant to be shared, and that’s exactly what this will do,” Minister Littleproud said.
“New South Wales winemakers are among the world’s best and the world should know about it.
“We’re backing NSW winemakers so they can host more foreign tourists in their top-notch wine regions.
“The NSW Wine Industry Association will put the money into marketing around the world to get the word out.
“Visitors from China and the United States are at the top of our list. We want them to know we’ve thrown the cellar doors open for them.
“It’s not just the wineries that benefit – tourists also visit local attractions and spend money in the surrounding towns boosting regional economies.
“NSW wine shouldn’t be kept secret – let’s get the word out and the tourists in!”
The $5 million International Wine Tourism State Grants provide state wine associations with funding for international wine tourism research, planning and implementation activities and is part of the Coalition Government’s $50 million Export and Regional Wine Support Package.
Wine Australia Export Report highlights for the 12 months ending 30 June 2018:

  • The highest export growth in 15 years: wine exports grew by 20% to $2.76 billion
  • Record export volume: 10% growth to 852 million litres, or 95 million 9 litre cases
  • The average value of exported wine increased by 9% to $3.24/litre
  • Average value of bottled wine increased 19% to $2.2 billion. Volume increased 8% to 376 million litres.​

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