Littleproud must resign as Minister: Greens

David Littleproud is a climate change denier and is not fit to serve as minister for water resources, drought, natural disaster and emergency management. He must resign as minister and, if he will not, then the Prime Minister must intervene and remove him, said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
”David Littleproud has admitted that he does not believe the accepted science that human action is driving climate change, so how can he possibly be responsible for oversight of the water resources, drought, natural disaster and emergency management portfolios,” Di Natale said.
“That’s why the Greens are calling on Minister Littleproud to do the right thing and immediately resign from the front bench so that he can be replaced with someone who understands the science of climate change. If he refuses to do so, then Scott Morrison must stand him down.”
”If Scott Morrison won’t remove Minister Littleproud from the front bench now that it’s clear he doesn’t believe the overwhelming scientific evidence that man made climate change is real, then the public would have no choice but to assume that the Prime Minister agrees with his position.”
“The Minister responsible for managing the Nation’s water doesn’t even accept the most basic climate science – he’s not up to the job,” said Greens Water Spokesperson Sen Sarah Hanson-Young.
“Keeping David Littleproud as Water Minister puts the Murray-Darling and our Nation’s foodbowl in danger.”
“The Prime Minister needs to call time on the Nats reign over the country’s biggest river system, end over extraction by big corporate irrigators, and establish a Royal Commission to start cleaning this mess up,” Hanson-Young said.

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