Greens: ADF must urgently develop & implement climate change strategy

Australian Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has reiterated calls for Australia’s defence force to urgently develop and implement a climate change strategy, after revelations today that senior bureaucrats have been wargaming climate change scenarios.
Senator Steele-John also called on the government to immediately release the details of the climate change scenarios, which they have so far refused to release through Freedom Of Information.
“It’s abundantly clear that the Morrison is out of step not only with the Australian public on the impacts of climate change, but also their own advisers,” he said.
“As droughts, floods, wildfires and extreme weather events become increasingly common in Australia and our region, it’s clear that climate change is causing more harm than ever before. These disasters will be a significant challenge in our region and we should be prepared to lend a helping hand to our friends and neighbours.
“Internal Australian Defence Force documents have identified food and water shortages and mass displacement of people as significant challenges into the future, yet we continue to follow along behind the Unites States rather than developing our own independent foreign policy.
“We need a new approach. It’s time to refocus our defence forces on preparing for the impacts of climate change and build cooperative relationships with our friends and neighbours so that we can work together to create a peaceful future for all of us and give everyone what they need to live a good life.”

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