More than 550 former rough sleepers have been housed in safe and stable accommodation across the state thanks to the NSW Government’s expansion assertive outreach services.
Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward said World Homeless Day is an opportunity to highlight the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government’s nation-leading work in line with its ambitious homelessness targets.
“Our Government is not only putting a roof over the heads of vulnerable people, but helping them on a pathway to independence,” Mr Ward said.
“The Premier’s Priority, aligned with the global Vanguard Agreement, aims to halve street sleeping across NSW by 2025.
“We have taken some significant steps towards achieving that target, but we know there is much more to do and we’re committed to building on the strong foundations we have set.”
New outreach services in Tweed Heads and Newcastle are underway in collaboration with the non-government sector, building on the success of the program in Sydney.
“More than 90 per cent of people that we have housed in Sydney have sustained their tenancies and are turning their lives around,” Mr Ward said.
“By providing housing and wrap around support services for people at risk of homelessness, we are helping them break the cycle.”
Trial street counts have recently been conducted in regional areas ahead of the first comprehensive, coordinated statewide count planned for early next year.
The NSW Government is investing $1 billion to support people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, Aboriginal people, young people and rough sleepers.

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