Public will never forgive ALP if it abandons climate action: Greens

The Australian public will never forgive the Labor Party if it abandons any commitment to taking genuine action on the climate crisis as Joel Fitzgibbon is now arguing, said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
“Hundreds of thousands of people from all across the community are coming together to demand urgent action on the climate emergency. If the ALP’s response to this growing movement is to abandon its already weak climate policy and instead mimic the Government’s, the community will never forgive them,” said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
”It’s time for the Labor Party to take a stand; no more sitting on the fence or saying one thing in Queensland and another in Victoria. Either Labor stands with the community and the Greens for strong, urgent action and the tens of thousands of jobs that will create, or they are with the climate deniers in the Coalition.”
“Labor needs to decide if it’s still committed to stopping dangerous runaway global warming. If Labor walks away from its already weak 2030 targets, it walks away from the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming below two degrees. As the Greens fight the Tories, Labor looks set to join them,” said Greens Climate Change Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP.
“As the record drought shows, Australia and the world is in the middle of a climate crisis. It’s an emergency, but Labor wants to send the fire truck back to station.”

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