The NSW Government has today welcomed the Independent Planning Commission’s decision to allow Rix’s Creek South Mine to continue operating through to 2040, securing almost 300 jobs in the Upper Hunter.
Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said the decision is great news for the local community, and is the sixth mining approval in six months.
“Mining plays a significant role in the NSW economy as a driver of jobs and investment, particularly in our regional communities,” Mr Stokes said.
“In just six months, we have approved six mining applications, which has provided almost 2,000 jobs and generated more than $1 billion in investment across NSW.
“While last week’s procedural delay was frustrating, today’s decision is great news for the people of the Upper Hunter and the community of Singleton given the significant contribution mining makes to their local economy.
“We know our regions are doing it tough in the drought and the continuation of the Rix’s Creek South Mine will secure almost 300 jobs for the community.”
There was overwhelming public support for the continuation of the mine, with more than 900 supportive submissions made to the IPC.
In its decision, the IPC determined that the economic and social benefits for the local community and people of NSW, outweighed potential environmental impacts.

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