Legislation to reinstate a festival safety system that was overturned by an alliance of Labor, Greens and Shooters’ MPs will be introduced to Parliament today.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the legislation would restore the requirement for high-risk music festivals to prepare a safety management plan.
“Labor, the Greens and the Shooters took away these regulations and left nothing in their place. This legislation will rectify that,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“The situation is clear – music festivals identified as high risk under the former licensing system will continue to be high risk under this law.
“These laws provide absolute certainty for the festival industry. They impose the same requirements on high-risk music festivals that were in place under the regulations that were disallowed by Labor, the Greens and the Shooters.
“My position on illicit drugs is very well-known – I went to the election with this position and I won’t be changing it. There is no such thing as a safe illegal drug.”
The legislation will reinstate the requirement to develop safety management plans in consultation with NSW Health, NSW Police and the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority. This applied to only 11 of more than 90 festivals in NSW.
“I now call on Labor, the Greens and the Shooters to do the right thing – put aside politics and work with the Government to safeguard the health of young people. The festival season is upon us, so urgent action is required,” Ms Berejiklian said.
Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said some events present a higher risk than others, and this legislation imposes more stringent conditions on these events.
“Music festivals are an important part of NSW’s entertainment scene and economy, and we want them to thrive,” Mr Dominello said.
“The vast majority of festivals are managed responsibly and are safe, however the death and serious illnesses that have occurred compels the Government to act.”

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