Federal Govt refuses to rule out privatisation of National Parks for high-end resorts

The Federal Government has today refused to rule out the privatisation of National Parks for high-end resorts, again putting the interests of their rich mates ahead of everyday Australians and the environment, the Greens say.
“Today I called on the Government to honour the century old Australian ethos that National Parks should be for the people and not for private high end resorts which exclude ordinary Australians and devalue prime park qualities, and they refused,” Greens spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“What’s clear is the Liberal National Party are standing true to their ethos of privatisation and selling out the rest of us out in favour of their corporate mates. Australians will not just stand by and allow this to happen to our National Parks.
“Here in South Australia, fragile coastal sites in the wild and unspoilt parts of Flinders Chase National Park on Kangaroo Island are under threat because of a proposal by a private corporation for a luxury development.
“Just last week we saw hundreds of people rally on the steps of SA Parliament, together with former Greens Leader Bob Brown, against this proposal. They’re not only disgusted they weren’t consulted on the project, but also that $830,000 of their taxpayer money was given to The Australian Walking Company to help them profit off public land.
“The same private company has already developed parts of Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, and other locations across Australia including Uluru and Hinchinbrook Island under threat.
“These precious wild areas should be protected – it’s shameful any government would allow, let alone pay a private company to destroy it.”

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