Medevac Repeal report

Evidence heard during the medevac inquiry made an overwhelming case for keeping the legislation in place, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.
“The evidence heard during this inquiry made it clear – medevac has saved lives,” Senator McKim said.
“The government’s refusal to transfer sick people from offshore detention to Australia under previous arrangements caused death, mental anguish and untold suffering among refugees and people seeking asylum.”
“The medevac repeal Bill shows that the government puts political imperatives ahead of people’s medical needs.”
“They have made the crass calculation that some lives are worth sacrificing for broader political outcomes, despite their legal and moral obligations.”
“Decisions about medical care should be made by medical experts, not politicians or bureaucrats.”
“The Greens will oppose the medevac repeal legislation.”
The Greens’ dissenting report can be found here:

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