Horse Traceability Scheme Vital Following ABC 730 Horse Racing Cruelty Exposé

Greens Senator for NSW and Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has reacted to a shocking ABC 730 exposé into the abuse and cruel slaughter of race horses at knackeries and abattoirs.
Senator Faruqi said the Federal Government needs to urgently establish a national horse traceability scheme so horses leaving the race industry can be tracked for their whole lives.
Senator Faruqi established an inquiry into horse traceability that is due to hand down its report in the coming months.
Senator Faruqi said:
“The horse racing industry has blood on its hands. I am absolutely sickened and angered by what this footage shows. It is much worse than what many of us had imagined.
“I’m sure people across Australia would be shocked and shattered at the extent and level on animal abuse we saw in the expose.
“The horrific abuse and suffering of horses once they have stopped making a profit shows the callousness of the industry that purports to look after them. They should hang their heads in shame.
“I have long said that when animals and gambling mix, animals always suffer.
“The horse racing industry’s euphemism for horses they can no longer profit from, ‘wastage’, betrays how sickeningly little regard they have for the horses they breed. If the industry wants to breed horses, they must take responsibility for their whole life.
“Part of the solution is transparency. The Federal Government must urgently establish a national horse traceability register which will allow tracking of horses throughout their lives so the industry has no more excuses for not ensuring every horse has a dignified retirement.
“I want to thank the brave activists who risked their safety to expose this barbaric cruelty,” she concluded.

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