Morrison should show some climate leadership and offer to host crucial climate summit

Acting Greens leader Adam Bandt MP and Greens spokesperson for Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, have called on Scott Morrison to show some climate leadership and offer to host the upcoming crucial COP25 Climate Summit.
COP25 was due to be held in a fortnight in Santiago, however Chile has withdrawn from hosting due to ongoing civil unrest.
Quotes attributable to Acting Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP:
“If Scott Morrison wants to show that he is serious about taking action on global warming then he should offer to host the upcoming climate summit.
“This is our chance to show the rest of the world that Australia takes the climate crisis seriously.
“Other nations have already put up their hands and offered to host, so this is Scott Morrison’s time to show the global community that Australia is committed to tackling the climate crisis and being a good global citizen.”
Quotes attributable to Greens spokesperson for Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson:
“COP 25 is the world’s first ‘Blue’ Climate talks, with a key focus on addressing the impacts of climate change on the world’s oceans. This provides an especially unique opportunity for Australia to step up and host this event, given our role as global custodian of the UNESCO listed Great Barrier Reef.
“The official outlook for the reef has been downgraded to ‘very poor’ – the best available science tells us nearly half the reef’s corals have bleached and died, primarily from marine heatwaves caused by rising Greenhouse gas emissions.
‘Many of the world’s coral reefs, which over half a billion people rely on directly for their livelihood, are in worse shape. This is a global crisis by any standards – one that requires immediate action.
“Australia hosts some of the world’s leading marine science institutions and programs, including for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. These are key barometers of ocean health. We have much to be proud of from our endeavours in this critical area of research.
“This is a unique opportunity for Australia to show leadership on the global stage once again and regain the respect we have lost in recent years. We truly are a nation girt by sea. Our national identity is closely linked to our beaches and oceans – few have as much to lose as we do if global ocean health continues its rapid decline.”

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