Ocean Baths redevelopment FAQs

City of Newcastle is inviting expressions of interest to redevelop the iconic Newcastle and Merewether Ocean Baths pavilions in overhauls that could include restaurants, recreational and community facilities and other services.  Newcastle Ocean Bath’s iconic art deco exterior will be retained in any redevelopment, while new public change rooms, disabled access, car parking, new seating, shading and other community facilities will be mandatory inclusions at both sites.
Are the ocean baths being privatised?
No. City of Newcastle is the Crown Land Manager of both pavilion buildings for the Crown Lands Division of the NSW Government, so neither site can ever be sold – only offered up for lease for a period of 21 years. That’s why the City is looking to enter into a partnership with interested parties.
Will there be a fee to use the baths?
No, the baths will remain public assets and swimming will remain free.
Will the redevelopment look like the designs in the EOI?
The images in the EOI document are simply an artist’s impression of Newcastle Ocean Baths. Final design is yet to be determined, and any design would be subject to an approved DA which would require extensive community consultation.
Will Newcastle Ocean Baths’ façade be knocked down?
No. The heritage façade will be retained as part of any redevelopment. Successful proponents will have to comply with heritage controls as the Newcastle Ocean Baths are listed as a local heritage item in the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 and located within the Newcastle East Heritage Conservation Area
Can the Merewether pavilion be demolished to make way for redevelopment?
While there are no current plans for demolition or otherwise, the Merewether Baths Pavilion is not heritage listed.
Will redevelopments include car parking?
Yes. Car parking, new seating, shading, disabled access and new public change rooms all are conditions that interested parties will have to meet.
What are the next steps in the process?
A panel will be formed to evaluate the responses and decide whether to proceed to a competitive tender. If yes, the strongest EOI submissions will be invited to a selective tender.
If no, the City will explore other internal funding options.
Will there be consultation?
Yes. No upgrades will take place prior to the community having an opportunity to provide feedback on proposed designs.
Can I access the EOI documents?
Yes, they can be accessed via Tenderlink. Please note you’ll need to register.

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