The removal of the first dam on Toorale National Park to enhance flows down the Warrego River and into the Darling has been completed.
Environment Minister Matt Kean said the removal of Peebles Dam would have an immediate impact on the next flow.
“This work should have been completed a decade ago. I’ve heard the community’s concerns about the time it’s taken to deliver this project and I am glad it was done in time for yesterday’s rain,” Mr Kean said.
“The removal of the Dam was Phase One in improving the connection of flows down the Warrego River into the Darling River.
“This project will assist in ensuring water, our most precious resource, remains in the river system and is not held in unnecessary infrastructure, a legacy from Toorale’s days gone by.
“As promised in recent stakeholder meetings the works were commenced in October and completed ahead of schedule.”
Phase Two will begin in 2020 and includes the modification of the remaining structures on Toorale to further increase flows passing down the Warrego.
The overall project will see enhanced river flows, while maintaining the important cultural and environmental values of the Toorale National Park.
“Phase Two will also include works to improve the ability for fish to pass by the structures still in place up and down the river,” Mr Kean said.
This work is funded by the Commonwealth Government and will assist in managing the environmental water the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder holds in this region.

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